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Doing More with 24 Hours
Do you ever wonder where all your time goes? After a long day of work or school, it feels like the day just disappears—by the time you finish all the necessities, it’s late, you’re tired, and it seems like there’s never time for the things you actually want to do. But is that really true?
We all have the same 24 hours. I usually sleep for 8 hours, and I think most people try to do the same. So, we all have the same 16 hours now.
Most people work or do school for about 8 hours a day.
So now we’re down to 8. These hours seem to slip away fast, but let’s break it down further.
Let’s throw in some time for transit, maybe meals, and whatever else. We’ll be generous.
4 down, 4 to go.
If you’re like many people, you might spend an hour working out, followed by a shower.
You’re now at about 2.5 hours.
So you have 2.5 hours every single day for you. Pull up your phone’s screen time. Tell yourself that this is true.
Now, if you’re like me, I typically can’t focus on something for more than an hour without needing a break. So we can focus on two things for 1 hour each every single day. This might not sound like a lot. But in a week, that’s 7 hours of doing one thing consistently. In a month, it becomes 30 hours. And in a year, you’ve got 365 hours of working on that one thing. That’s enough time to learn a language, build a passion project, or even pick up a new hobby. Anything you can think of.
For me, I’m spending my 2.5 hours this month working on my blog and creating meaningful memories with the people I care about.
Your 2.5 hours are a gift. Use them wisely—whether it’s learning a skill, deepening a connection, or taking time to recharge. Wherever you put your time and energy, the results will show.
So, what will you do with your 2.5 hours today?
The way we spend our time
defines who we are.
– Jonathan Estrin